After taking the UK by storm, Mona soon spread her wings and found even greater success on the continent. Long before the Beatles, Hamburg was a favoured destination for many British artists and Mona was one of them. She was signed up for a number of personal appearances by the German impresario Oskar Liebermann and in 1952 her success as an artist in Germany led Mona to make her home in Hamburg where she took an apartment at 6 Hallerstrasse. She lived here from 1952 for several years, only returning to England because she wanted her son, Marcel, to be educated there.

This was (and still is) an upmarket part of the city. The road is much busier than it would have been in Mona’s day and now faces onto an ugly block of municipal housing but the house itself is much as it was when Mona lived here. A plaque in front of No.8 confirms that 6-8 are indeed original and date from 1886/7.