While Mona was living at No.6 Hellerstrasse, a neighbour was Gisela Griffel. Gisela was three years older than Mona (20th May 1923 as opposed to 21st June 1926) but their career paths had many similarities and they had appeared together in the film ‘Spiel Mit Dem Gluck’. But Gisela gave up showbusiness to support her husband, Paul L’Arronge, in making a success of his business, the L’Arronge, an upmarket coffee shop. L’Arronge was soon the place to be seen in Hamburg and there is no doubt that Mona would have been a frequent visitor.

We don’t have any images of Mona at L’Arronge but there can be little doubt that she would have attended events like the one pictured below (Gisela is at the back surveying the scene from above).